Sunday, November 2, 2008

Rumours, countdown to Christmas...

Dear Knitters, Crocheters, and fibre-lovers,

It's already November 2nd, so get those needles and hooks moving if you want to be in time for Christmas!

The rumour is...
Jean's Material Things in Castlegar will now be stocking a selection of quality yarns. Check it out and support our LYS (local yarn shop).

The Castlegar Knit and Crochet Guild had a display on the Arts and Culture table during the Open House at the Castlegar Rec Centre, Oct. 29th.

My latest project is a knitted skirt for my daughter, made from a lovely hand-dyed (fall colourway) merino wool sock yarn by Lorna's Laces. It is my own design, with a ribbed waistband, stockinette main body, and it will have a lace edge.

The next project will be a crocheted lace dress for myself. The pattern is by Lily Chin and can be found in the Interweave Crochet pattern library. Check it out at this link:
I think I will substitute a black, glittery fine wool for the cotton called for in the pattern, because cotton has no "memory" and tends to look shapeless so quickly. Or, maybe one of the new cotton + elastic yarns available now.

What are you working on?

November meetings:
See the new Calendar gadget on our web page, to the right, for event listings. (bear with me - there seem to be some technical problems with it.)
The "Second Wednesday" Meeting will be held Nov. 12 from 6:30 - 8:00 pm at Bagels n' Brew in Castlegar. (The location will now be a Rotating Location - meetings used to be held at Arby's).

The "Last Tuesday" meeting will be Nov. 25 at the Castlegar Public Library, 6:30 - 8:00 pm.


Gwen Vernham

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