Dear Knitters, Crocheters, and fibre-lovers,
It's already November 2nd, so get those needles and hooks moving if you want to be in time for Christmas!
The rumour is...Jean's Material Things in Castlegar will now be stocking a selection of quality yarns. Check it out and support our LYS (local yarn shop).The Castlegar Knit and Crochet Guild had a display on the Arts and Culture table during the Open House at the Castlegar Rec Centre, Oct. 29th.
My latest project is a knitted skirt for my daughter, made from a lovely hand-dyed (fall colourway) merino wool sock yarn by Lorna's Laces. It is my own design, with a ribbed waistband, stockinette main body, and it will have a lace edge.The next project will be a crocheted lace dress for myself. The pattern is by Lily Chin and can be found in the Interweave Crochet pattern library. Check it out at this link: think I will substitute a black, glittery fine wool for the cotton called for in the pattern, because cotton has no "memory" and tends to look shapeless so quickly. Or, maybe one of the new cotton + elastic yarns available now.
What are you working on?
November meetings:See the new Calendar gadget on our web page, to the right, for event listings. (bear with me - there seem to be some technical problems with it.)
The "Second Wednesday" Meeting will be held Nov. 12 from 6:30 - 8:00 pm at Bagels n' Brew in Castlegar. (The location will now be a Rotating Location - meetings used to be held at Arby's).
The "Last Tuesday" meeting will be Nov. 25 at the Castlegar Public Library, 6:30 - 8:00 pm.
Respectfully,Gwen Vernham