Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Successful Knitters in the Highlands of Bolivia

This month's issue of Cast On, a magazine published by the Knitting Guild Association, has a fascinating article about a women's knitting co-operative called Artesanias Minkha. "Minkha" means women working together in the Quechuan language. They have a website, check it out.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

more knitting events

More knitting-related events this year:
Gibson's Landing Fibre Arts Festival, August 20-24, Gibson's Landing, BC
BC's Creative Expo, Vancouver, BC, November 7-8, 2008
If anyone knows of other events worth checking out, please let us know!

Knit and Crochet Show, September 2008

Hi everyone,
Latest TKGA / CGOA news:
Check out the Knit & Crochet Show at , a conference that will be held this fall in Portland, Oregon September 11-14. There will be many interesting classes and lots to see. Well-known, published designers such as Melissa Leapman, Lily Chin, Annie Modesitt, and others will be conducting workshops. Topics include: cable knitting, designing larger sizes, lace crochet, entrelac techniques, advanced finishing techniques, various felting techniques, as well as several ethnic styles of knitting and MANY more. And there will be shopping!
Anyone interested in going as a group, please let me know. Room rates at the convention hotel (Doubletree Hotel Portland - Lloyd Center) are $120+tax for single/double rooms and $130+tax for Premium rooms. Each additional person is $15.
I have received a full program and schedule of events in the mail for anyone who wants to see it.
By the way, TKGA is The Knitting Guild Association,, and CGOA is the Crochet Guild of America.
All the best,